The academic building houses the following facilities:
- 14 multi-purpose classrooms
- a mock-up bridge equipped with full-mission radars
- 3 simulator rooms equipped with ship-handling simulation system
- a simulator room equipped with desk-top radar, ship-handling simulation (R&SS), electronic chart display information system (ECDIS), and desk-top liquefied cargo handling simulation (LCHS) system
- a global maritime distress safety system (GMDSS) simulator training room
- a seamanship training workshop
- an engine-room training workshop
- a model display and room
- a PC and language laboratory
- a canteen/assembly hall
- a multi-function room
- an administrative office
- a library/conference room
- other amenities, etc.
- a football pitch/helicopter landing pad
The open yard has the following training facilities:
- a survival drill tank for personal survival training
- a lifeboat platform equipped with boat davits, lifeboats and rescue boats
- a forecastle for mooring, anchoring and single buoy mooring training
- 2 mock-up ship structures for hot fire and safety training
- a fire pit
- an LPG storage tank and pipeline system for firefighting training
- various types of lifting appliances and lifting gear
- a cargo hatchway together with a hatch cover
- a simulated double bottom tank for breathing apparatus and confined space training
- a bunkering arrangement
- an open area for forklift truck training
- a football pitch/helicopter landing pad